Sunday, August 24, 2008

Caramoanon Is Me (Caramoanon Ini)

Because I'm one Bikolano, and Caramoanon at that, I am predisposed to write using our regional language, but somehow biased in favor of our Caramoanon vernacular tongue, in the name of our beloved patrimony. Please take note, " Mari na kamo sa www ...," instead of " Madya na kamo sa www ...." I am always raring to put into use our famous Caramoanon terminologies, like these: "hadaw, aw hade? hotodoy, tukam-ag, kagalpakan, orate," those are some cases in point, that when vocally heard, you will catch the peculiar twang spoken by indigenous Caramoanons.

I have works written in our dialect which I usually provide English translation. My idea in doing so, is not so much to readily facilitate the reading satisfaction of Americanized readers, but just a leisurely indulgence for personal amusement of how our native lingua franca would fare vis-a- vis the words spoken by progressive race of people.

I noticed that locals exerts lengthy expression and have limited vocabulary. In English, adjective words and synonyms are in abundance. Necessarily, they have wide optional facilities to find the exacting words to use. In that sense, what we have to explain lengthily, is a matter for them to mean fluently and swiftly. To put it bluntly, just look how tremendously thick is an English than Bicol dictionary, at which, even very hard to find on the shelves of most bookstores.

As time goes by, when I'm able to muster adequate articles that are products of my own brand of talkathon, I'll have them printed again as my second compilation, sourced from two blog sites, half of it earlier written at www. and from this currently advancing posts at

When these are done, I will deliver the copies to those people who are close to my heart, share also to some people who are wanting to partake of the inspiration out of my tranquil delight, much better when these hard copies can reach far flung places and land into the hands of youngsters and oldies alike, who love to read literature in prose and poetry mood.

Most of all, these works in printed form, shall serve as documents of my memories, my facility to aid me in going back to my good old days, or youthful days, both ways are alike. Let the copy be a witness to my dreams and triumphant joys, a testimony of my great gratefulness, paying tribute and immortalizing in my thoughts - the people, who in one way or another, offered refuge and comfort to my humble self, them making my life easier under the sun.

And in the coming two or 3 decades time, this compilation will be most handy around maybe pesky toddlers and future grandchildren, as I narrate a documented slice of my life, rest I be assured, that their Grandpa is not inventing "tales of a horseman".

This might be an agreeable life for me, that of marking the signs of the times, no matter, maybe mundanely, but fulfilling to my own happiness.

Thanks for those who have inclination to feel alike in this journey of mine.

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