Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome http://caramoanparish.multiply.com by Fr. Rico Angelo

It’s nice to hear from you Fr. Rico Angelo M. De La Torre

Your creation of web-log: Caramoan Parish, is a very wonderful gift for Caramoanons.

Caramoan, being geographically laid in remote countryside, is really in dire need of resourceful and creative individuals who could introduce pioneering efforts in the field of information technology, specially nowadays that communications’ trends and advancements had dramatically gone by leaps and bounds.

This could be part of history now, with you as the one unselfish individual who shares his valuable time and beautiful talent in institutionalizing the very first website at St. Michael, the Archangel Church, in our beloved hometown, Caramoan.

Our creator of Caramoanon Groups forum and KSean Website is Eng’r. Edgar Nunez. He earned that distinction and honor of being the first concerned Caramoanon to express his civic mindedness in laying out the connecting lines for Caramoanons around the globe and letting them to converge at those two web sites that are basically dedicated for Caramoanon concerns. Such web sites are probably the first and earliest for Caramoanons in general to have ever had.

I’m sure the Caramoanon groups at http://groups.msn.com/caramoan would be very glad to invite you to join the forum.

I have linked your http://caramoanparish.multiply.com to my http://caramoan-kanvar.blogspot.com.

Yes, we have not yet met before, otherwise I should have noticed you. It looks like Caramoanon had just been blessed to have a cool, sporty and trendy priest in you. I guess a Yuppie meyn, break it down, yo!

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